Patients need to select a particular asbestos attorney who will fight their case efficiently with dedication. Experienced and reputed lawyers may charge extremely high fees but have more chances of winning than cheap lawyers. It is difficult to evaluate the competency of a lawyer. People need to place faith in their lawyer and trust their instincts while selecting one.
Some lawyers charge a contingency fee. They get a percentage of the compensation money, which patients receive as a result of resolution of their asbestos lawsuit. Lawyers do not collect percentage of compensation but do collect other kinds of fees such as court fees, copying fees and fees for hiring of expert witnesses in case they are unable to secure compensation for their client. A contingency fee is an ideal way for customers to fight a case who cannot afford high fees of lawyers. Nevertheless, compensation is not guaranteed and patients need to be prepared for it.
Customers may check the background of particular lawyers to get an idea of their experience and past cases won by them. Some lawyers make an effort to update themselves by attending continuing legal education every year to keep themselves abreast of latest developments regarding asbestos related compensation claims.
Other kinds of lawyers charge on amount of time and effort spent on a particular case whether they win or lose. Charges are based on time spent by them and their staff on that particular case Thus a lot of care and study is required to select a good asbestos attorney.
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