Financial difficulties can occur in
anyone’s life. When you think
financial difficulties are more than
you can handle, don’t let bankruptcy
become your first thought.
Bankruptcy should be considered as a
last resort, not just the first
thing that pops into your head when
the going gets tough. Instead,
consider these options.
One of the first steps in avoiding
bankruptcy is to make budget. If you
have laid out a plan for your
incoming money, you will be less
likely to spend it on unnecessary
items. You will therefore make the
money last longer and work harder
for you. Setting up a budget is
crucial to help regain control over
your finances. If you already have a
budget setup, review it ruthlessly
and start cutting wherever and
whatever you can so you can return
to profitability.
Another option to bankruptcy is to
consider exactly what your debt is.
Perhaps you have purchased a home
that is more than you can afford or
maybe you have too much vehicle
debt. If either of these is true,
you may need to consider downsizing.
If you are paying out more than 40%
of your income on a house loan, it
is definitely time to consider
selling your house and buying a less
expensive one. The same applies to
vehicles -- maybe this is not the
time to be making payments on a
Lexus when payments or paying off a
late-model Toyota or Chevy makes
more financial sense to keep more
money in your pocket and your
creditor's pockets each month.
Not only do you need to consider
what type of debt you have, you also
need to consider what items you can
sell to increase your savings.
Often, selling items you no longer
use can help with the month to month
struggles you might be experiencing.
Maybe you have a lot of old books or
CD’s laying around that you no
longer use. Selling off a few
unwanted items can help free you
from some financial burdens.
We have all heard this time and time
again. But, if you are having
financial hardship, cut up your
credit cards. Under no circumstances
should you use a credit card, not
even the one you have set aside for
“emergencies”. It is possible that
you truly only use your credit card
for emergencies. But in a time of
financial difficulties, your view of
what constitutes an emergency could
change. Without access to a credit
card, the need to fix the air
conditioner on your car doesn’t seem
so dire.
Even though you need to cut up your
credit cards and not use them
anymore, you still need to find a
way to pay for them. Begin by moving
all of your credit card debt to the
card with the lowest interest rate.
If all of your credit cards carry a
high interest rate, try negotiating
with the companies to see if they
can lower your rate. Very
frequently, credit card companies
are willing to work with you by
lowering your interest rate and even
allowing you to skip a payment,
because they know that if you do end
up declaring bankruptcy, it is very
likely that they will only see
pennies on the dollar.
Another option to avoid bankruptcy
is to increase your income. Although
this may seem very obvious to some,
it is often overlooked. Cutting back
on your expenses may not be enough.
Therefore, working overtime or
getting a second job may be the only
viable option. Try delivering
pizzas, mowing lawns or painting
houses. If you are good with
computers, there is frequentlyh a
need in most areas for someone who
will fix computers or even do
in-home teaching of computer basics
to novices. Any extra money you can
bring in each month can go straight
towards your current debt.
When drowning in debt, bankruptcy
doesn’t have to be your only
alternative. There are many viable
options that should be looked into.
So, before filing bankruptcy, be
sure to exhaust all other options.
Remember, a bankruptcy filing stays
on your credit report for 7 years
and is as visible as a sore thumb
when you apply for new credit, even
when things return to a positive
cash flow situation, so you
definitely want to only consider
bankruptcy as a LAST resort when all
other options have not worked out.
About The Author
Jon is a computer engineer
who maintains many websites
to pass along his knowledge
and findings. You can read
more about Bankruptcy,
Bankruptcy Law, Bankruptcy
Attorneys, and Bankruptcy
Alternatives at his web site